
Before you have that second POT of coffee, listen up!

Don’t get me wrong here, I’m ALLLLLLLL about the morning coffee. I love it so much, I made a podcast about it. But ever noticed how that second pot (or third or fourth) never tastes quite the same? I think I’ve figured out why. Have a listen.

This Gig is Draining (A Love Song for Teachers Everywhere)

It’s Teacher Appreciation Week here. Yep, that’s Teacher with a capital T, now and forever more, a capital T. So much love and respect for Teachers. And longing. I miss them, I want them back, my kids want them back. I am so many things, but a substitute Teacher, I am not.

I’m Bringing Lonely Back

How is it possible to HAVE so much distance, but still NEED so much space? So many confusing juxtapositions these days. Back on the podcast having fun with another song.

What’s Your Background Track?

Keeping it real here, today was NOT a great day. I’m not sure why it hit me today (even BEFORE we got the news that school was finished for the year and we had to stay Safer-at-Home for another month and a half), but it did, and I couldn’t snap out of my funk.…


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About Me

Hi, I’m Meagan Schultz. Here you’ll find all my blog posts prior to Summer 2020. I wanted somewhere to keep them safe, since I couldn’t take them with me on the new site. You can find my updated site here, where you’ll also find info on my new offerings.

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